Water Harvesting – Definition, Importance, Methods, Limitations
Water is one of the most essential natural resources that are present on this planet...
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Hormones In Animals
Hormones in Animals are small chemical secretions that are produced by special glands known as Endocrine Glands. All animals including humans produce hormones that allow the body to perform specific functions. Hormones are of different types- peptide-based, amino acid-derived, or steroid-based. Some Examples of hormones are Testosterone, Progesterone, Aldosterone, Prolactin, Thyroxine, etc. The Function of Hormones is very specific. It is target-based. For Example, The human growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland on the command of the hypothalamus....
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Difference Between Antigen and Pathogen
The difference between antigens and pathogens lies in their roles within the immune response. A pathogen is a harmful microorganism that can cause disease, while an antigen is a specific molecule or part of the pathogen that triggers the body’s immune response....
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Scientific name of parrot
“Psittaciformes” is the scientific name of the Parrot. They are categorized into three superfamilies, with approximately 400 species, mainly found in tropical and subtropical climates. In Hindi, it is called “Tota”. Every parrot species has a unique scientific name. E.g The African and New World parrots (Psittacidae), the Old World parrots (Psittaculidae), the Cockatoo families (Cacatuoidea), and the New Zealand parrots (Strigopodiaceae). Each family contains different genera, which in turn contain particular species, that make up each family....
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Diagram of Oogenesis
Oogenesis diagram depicts the process of oogenesis which is the formation of female gametes (eggs or ova) in the ovaries. Oogenesis diagram class 12 typically illustrates the stages of oocyte development, including primary oocytes undergoing meiosis, follicle development, ovulation, and the formation of mature eggs. The diagram of oogenesis helps to highlight the complex process of female gametogenesis, helping in the understanding of reproductive physiology and fertility....
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Diagram of Earthworm
The diagram of earthworm helps us to understand its structure and characteristics. The diagram of earthworm exhibits a cylindrical body divided into segments. Its anterior end contains the mouth and prostomium. The diagram of earthworm class 11 is often asked in the examinations....
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How Reproduction is Happening in Humans?
Humans are sexually reproducing organisms. They produce gametes containing genetic material that form the zygote and develop into offspring. The process of reproduction in humans includes the development of gametes (gametogenesis), which are sperm cells in males and egg cells in females, the transfer of sperm into the female reproductive system (insemination), the fusion of male and female gametes (fertilization), to form a zygote and the development of the zygote into a baby....
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Difference Between Globular and Fibrous Protein
Globular proteins are compact, spherical proteins that are soluble in water. They are typically involved in metabolic processes and often have enzymatic functions. On the other hand, fibrous proteins are elongated, thread-like proteins that are insoluble in water. They are typically involved in structural support and provide mechanical strength to tissues and organs....
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Difference Between Larva and Pupa
In the life cycle of insects, there are several distinct stages that they go through as they transform from eggs to adults. Two of these stages are the larva and pupa stages, which are important periods of growth and development. While both stages represent a significant transformation from the previous stage, they differ in many ways. In this article, we will explore the differences between larvae and pupae....
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What is Animal Husbandry? Definition, Types, Role in Agriculture
The practice of raising animals and selective breeding is known as Animal husbandry. It is the science of animal management and care, in which animals’ genetic features and behavior are developed for human profit. For many farmers, animal husbandry is their principal source of income. Because animals provide us with a range of high-nutritional food products, they require specific care and attention....
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Wasp Life Cycle
The Wasps Life Cycle consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The queen wasp lays eggs in a nest that she has built herself. The eggs hatch into larvae, which eat the food provided by their mother. After this stage, they become pupae and then emerge as adults, completing the cycle essential for the continuation of their species. The life cycle of a wasp takes about 40 to 60 days. In this article, we will learn about Life cycle stages, diagrams, and the role of wasps in a colony....
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Gram Negative Bacteria
Bacteria are typical, primarily free-living creatures with a rare single biological cell. They make up a sizable portion of the prokaryotic microbial world. Bacteria, which are typically a few micrometers long and were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, are found in the majority of its habitats. In addition to soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, and the deep biosphere of the Earth’s crust, bacteria can also be found there. By recycling nutrients from the atmosphere, such as nitrogen, bacteria play a significant part in numerous stages of the nutrition cycle....
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